Tool n Things Library Inc.
Western Australia's first
'Tool Library and Library of Things'
(and we certainly hope the first of many)
TnTL aims to promote a
reduction in consumption and waste,
with an increase in education and skills,
through sharing of resources and knowledge.
A circular economy built on sharing is an incredibly empowering possibility.
Sharing instead of buying reduces or eliminates wastes: raw resources manufactured manufacturing cost, effort and pollution
... in logistics and transport
... in consumer spending
... in packaging
... in residential space used
... in dated, dangerous and discontinued items
... in discarded items to waste management,
to name but a few.
As a Founding Member and Secretary on the start-up committee, this project is near and dear to my heart.
TnTL is a Not-For-Profit organisation born from the dedication of 5 passionate people, and run by volunteers.
Our launch required business, inventory and property lease management; media, events and marketing; and grant funding, budget and financial management.
This project broadened my horizons as a Project Manager, my engagement with building strong communities and
my priority on waste reduction.
I hope you'll consider to Like & Follow the Facebook page and see about joining as a library member too.
Between us we have enough.
41 Britannia Rd.
Leederville, WA
(Floreat Athena Football Club
Old Turnstile Building)
TnTL Milestones
Best of the West
Our "Best of the West" grant win,
thanks to Bankwest and 9 News 🎉
Exploring what a tool library is, and the extra bonus of the "'n Things"to reduce waste.
Celebrating after our "Best of the West" grant, and our plans for our winnings.
Sharing thoughts with another local tool library sprouting up @shareshedbassendean