🇦🇺 ‘Wait Awhile’ WA just catapulted towards a modern day recycling process other parts of the world have been enjoying for decades - oh yeeeeaaahh.
😩 I returned to WA after 21yrs abroad and nearly cried to hear about the ‘new’ refund program.... (Umm - I spent my childhood collecting & returning glass bottles for lolly money.... What happened that we stopped, lost 2 decades, and then started again from zero??!).
🧐 Containers For Change is a litter program, not a recycling initiative, so a little tricky at first to figure what items are eligible. Basically, if it’s <1L and likely to be littered, you get a 10c refund that manufacturers now contribute to every sale. The same recyclable materials in large format (>1L) or plain household style (Eg plain milk carton, rather than flavoured milk) still need to go in your yellow bin - clean and dry please!
😔 We have a waaaays to go to catch up to global technology and initiative to actually PROCESS the resources we recover, or to fully take onboard the gravity of the situation and take responsibility for urgency in our change. Our current percentage of recycling is dismal (9%), we pay to ship it off to a foreign country as if it’s not our problem, and what actually gets recycled has significantly low resale or re-use value, and limited reincarnations.
🤔 But, we have to start from where we’re at. That’s the best (and only) option. You can choose to do the best you can do, in your own house, starting today. Realise that choosing change is intensely powerful - even just little ol’ you in this big ‘ol world. Your ripples matter.
😍 The new @mytomra_aus facility in Osborne Park (also Belmont, Joondalup, Myaree & Kelmscott) is slick. Super slick. They collect over 40 BILLION empty containers worldwide every year in their reverse vending systems - hello?!!
A) that’s an amazing job!
B) can we please stop consuming so much that requires costly management?!
Check out their awesome recycling experience online, or in person when you take your empties.
Take the kiddos. Inspire them.
Take you!
Remember, it’s not about the 10c refund, but it helps.
#containersforchange #recycling #perthzerowaste #zerowasteperth #pleaseberesponsiblewithtrash #keepaustraliabeautiful #dontbealitterbug